Saturday, December 24, 2011

How Are You Treating God?

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. - John 10:10.

As parents, we love to see our children happy. We try our best to give them 'the best' we can. Sometimes, this means a sacrifice. We may give them something we want them to have and give up something we really need. We love our children and want to supply them with the best of clothes, education, and other things that we can afford.

Parents understand the thoughts behind giving your best. But, children haven't been there before, and sometimes don't really appreciate what a parent is trying to do. In fact, a child may be given exactly what he or she has asked for, and still not appreciate it. I've seen children get a gift for their birthday that they have yearned for, but, when they have it in their possession, it doesn't mean that much anymore. They just put it aside and use something else they already have. That's the way it is with clothes with teenagers, too. Buy them nice clothes, and they will hang them in the back of the closet and never touch them. Buy them t-shirts or baggy jeans, and they will wear them everywhere, if you let them. As parents, this lack of appreciation bothers us.

Can you imagine how God must feel? He gave us Jesus, whose blood was shed for all our sins. Yet, we trample over His Word, as if to say, 'that's not a Word for today.'

We sit around belly-aching, saying "we're having a tough time", "I don't know why this is happening", "Guess that's my lot in life", etc. Remember those words? God isn't in those words. When we speak the Word, we are honoring God.  But, when we speak doubt and unbelief, we are hurting God as as our children hurt us when they show no appreciation of the gifts we give them.

God tells us He would have 'Christ dwell in our hearts in faith'. [Ephesians 3:17] But, when words of unbelief and doubt flow from our mouth, that isn't faith. We should have the Word within us, speaking it in faith. And, when the devil puts those thoughts in our mind, we should be  ready to counteract those thoughts with the WORD, which is Truth! [John 17:17]

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: - 1 Peter 5:8.