Thursday, May 6, 2010

Earnestly Seeking Him

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. [Heb: 11: 6]

The key words in our text today are “earnestly seek him.” Sometimes I will set a goal during my prayer time to stay and pray longer. When I have the thought to stop praying and go do something else, I will commit to stay and pray even longer. Then when the thought comes again, I will stay even longer. Earnestly, seriously, and diligently I keep praying and seeking God. Often, something very special happens when I do this, I enter into that place where the love of God begins to overwhelm me. At times, tears will stream down my face as I am being touched in a personal way by God. During these times I begin to realize that my thoughts and prayers are directed in a different way, I become so aware of God being present, at that moment my prayers begin to get filled with faith! Consider setting a goal today to stay in prayer a little longer, earnestly seeking God until he is found. Perhaps you could set a goal to try this every day for a week or even a month, what about for a life time? Our verse says he “rewardsthose who earnestly seek him.


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