Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pleasantness Like Oil

God pours the anointing of the Holy Spirit – ‘precious oil’, on us, sanctifies us and makes us a royal priesthood.

Dearly beloved in Christ! Once I had been to a sugar factory to see how sugar is being manufactured. Firstly, the sugarcane is crushed in a machine. Then the sugarcane juice is then mixed with a blue colour chemical. When these two are mixed, they become like water. Then it is frozen and thus sugar is manufactured. Similarly, God pours His Spirit - a special oil, on us to sanctify us. 

Dearly beloved in Christ! When brethren dwell together, God pours the precious oil upon them (Psalm 133:2). The precious oil was poured on the head of Aaron, which ran down on his face, beard and on the edge of his garments. Why was this oil poured upon Aaron? Aaron was the chief priest chosen by God to intercede with Him for the sins of the Israelites. Before he would enter into the presence of God, he had to sanctify himself and put on the garments made particularly for him. Then he should take the anointing oil, pour it on his head and anoint himself (Exodus 29:4, 5, 7). That anointing oil was poured on him to consecrate him to do the priestly duties. 

Dearly beloved in Christ! Even today, like Aaron, God looks at us also as a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and His own special people (1 Peter 2:9). He is our big Brother. Since He laid down His life for us, we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren (1 John 3:16). Nobody who is born in this world is holy. But when we dwell together as brethren, God pours this precious oil on us, sanctifies us and makes us a royal priesthood.

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