Thursday, April 19, 2012

Billions of People are Going to Hell!

There are an estimated 6 billion people in the world, that’s 6,000,000,000 people!  The average life expectancy of a person is estimated to be around 70 years of age.  With all the natural disasters, people smoking, the global aids epidemic, terrorism, drug overdoses, liquor related deaths, accidents, murders, war, et cetera. I’m sure the average life expectancy is much lower. 
If 232,876 people die every day (on average), then how many people die per second?  Well, 232,876 divided by 24 hours = 9,703 people die every hour.  9,703 divided by 60 minutes = 161 people die every minute.  161 divided by 60 seconds = 2.6 (we'll say 2) people die every second.  Can you imagine this?  2 people die in this world every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year!  It's adds up to 85,000,000 people a year.  

Visit a cemetery sometime and you’ll be surprised how many people have died at a much younger age.  Nevertheless, let’s suppose that the average person lives to be 70 years old.  6,000,000,000 divided by 70 equals 85,714,285.  This means that 85,000,000 people, on average, die every year.  If we divide 85,000,000 by 365 days in a year, this means that an average of 232,876 people are dying every day in this world.  Are you shocked?  You'd never think from listening to the daily news that so many were dying. 
I’ve never heard anything like this on radio or TV, but it's a fact.  Every day in this world, 232,000 people fulfill their appointment with death.  Could you imagine reading the front page of a newspaper and seeing something like... “232,000 PEOPLE DEAD!”?  It happens every single day my friend!  The reason you’ll never see something like this is because it isn’t glamorous.  People like to hear about the one person who was shot to death, or the CEO that jumped out of his office window. 
The news media isn’t interested in how many people are dying around the world. There are natural deaths occurring all over the earth every second, 24 hours a day, but we never hear of them.  Deaths resulting from crime, war, disaster, sickness, injury, poison, disease and starvation are seldom heard of from other countries.  We only hear of the tip of the ice-berg!  
You can’t disagree with the math! 6,000,000,000 people will all be dead in 100 years! (ok, maybe 99.9%).   
How many people live to be 100?  NOT MANY!   By dividing 70 into 6,000,000,000, we found that 85,000,000 humans will die every year on average (more or less from year to year, but all will be dead in approximately 70 years).  We also found that dividing 365 days into 85,000,000 means that an average of 232,000 humans die every day.
 Now, let’s say that one in ten people are genuine born-again Believers.  We are clearly told in Matthew 7:14 that few people ever make it to heaven!, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT” (Matthew 7:14; Luke 13:23,24).   How tragic!  How horrible!  Honestly, I would be very surprised if more than one out of every hundred people are truly saved and on their way to Heaven! Consider the billion people in China who know not the Lord Jesus Christ! 
Consider the countless hundreds of millions of Arabs (Islamic Muslims) who worship Allah and the prophet Mohammed.  Consider the billion Catholics around the world that worship Mary and are trying to earn their way into Heaven through the keeping of the Seven-Sacraments and good works. 
On and on, religion and more religion!   Countless billions of people are trusting in their religion to save them instead of the Lord Jesus Christ.   Surely, nine out of ten people in this wicked world are bound for a Godless, eternal hell.  I have no doubts whatsoever that 90% of the people in this world are going to Hell.  Why?  For one simple reason friend, they do not have the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Their sins have not been forgiven.  We estimated that 232,876 humans die every day on average. 232,876 minus 10 % equals 209,588 people that perish into hell fire and destruction every single day that passes.  So roughly, 200,000 HUMANS PLUNGE INTO HELL FIRE EACH AND EVERY DAY!   We also see that 23,287 people (10%) make it to Heaven each day on average.  
The number of people which die every day can’t be denied!   You can argue concerning the percentage of people going to Heaven verses Hell; however, Matthew 7:14 clearly teaches that only a "FEW" people will enter into Heaven. "MANY" are going to Hell.  As I mentioned, I'd be surprised if more than 1% of the population are born-again believers. 
If you don't believe the Bible, then you had better hope to God that your right; If you believe the Bible "just enough" to obey it and call upon the saving name of Jesus Christ for salvation and the forgiveness of sins--you will be safe!   We all must die and it’s guaranteed that were not going to escape death!   It’s just a matter OF TIME!  Prepare to meet thy God!  
Salvation is not found in religion, but in a person—Jesus Christ! 
Let's think a bit further on this shall we...
What percentage of people do you believe are truly saved?  If you say "ALL," then you are obviously NOT a believer.  1st John 2:22 teaches that anyone who denies Jesus Christ is a LIAR. That means all Islamic Muslims are liars, because they deny that Jesus is the Son of God. Muslims deny that Jesus ever died on a cross. There are an estimated 1,300,000,000 Muslims in the world.
All followers of Judaism are liars, because they deny that Jesus is the Messiah. That's what the Bible teaches in 1st John 2:22. It's Jesus or Hell.
The question is: Do you believe that the Bible is God's Word? I do. By the way, the King James Bible is the only reliable English Bible that hasn't been corrupted by Satan.
There are another estimated 1,000,000,000 Catholics in the world, all who believe that Mary is able to give salvation, that the Seven-Sacraments are essential to salvation, that the pope is God upon the earth, that the priest has power to forgive sins and that good works can get them into Heaven.  The Bible teaches that we are saved solely by Christ's righteousness, which is through faith in His precious literal, physical, blood that washes our sins away (1st Peter 1:18-19; Hebrews 9:12,24; Revelation 1:5; Romans 3:25).
I witnessed to a Catholic man once who said he didn't believe Jesus was almighty God.  He's not a born-again believer. How sad!  Most of the world has been deceived by false religion.  Jesus is almighty God (John 1:1,14; John 10:33; John 14:1-3; 1st Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 1:8).  Yes friend, billions of people are going to Hell.  Each and every HOUR, roughly 9,500 people die.  Thousands of those people go straight to Hell.
If you've never received Jesus as you personal Savior, please do so now.  John 1:12, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” Being saved is very easy.  Salvation happens when a person acknowledges their guilt of sin, coming to God on the basis of being a hell-deserving sinner; believing on Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, to forgive their sins.  Acts 10:43, “To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.
Please understandall one's good deeds, keeping of the Ten Commandments, water baptism, church membership, holy communion, penance, confirmation and praying are A ROAD TO HELL if you place any trust in them to save you. Salvation is solely by Christ's righteousness; and not by any self-righteousness of our own.  Titus 3:5, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us...” God DIDN'T give us the Ten Commandments to earn our way to Heaven; but rather, to show us our sinful condition and need for a Savior. Galatians 3:24, “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Amen!
Don't rely upon anything or anyone other than the Son of God, Jesus, to forgive your sins.  Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  Whosoever means YOU!!!  “Call” means “to appeal unto” i.e., “to go to Jesus to be saved.”  If you come to the Savior, He will not turn you away (John 6:37).  Isaiah 1:18 teaches that God will forgive the vilest sinner who comes through the Son of God. All that God the Father asks is that we come to Him through His dear Son for forgiveness (John 14:6).
Salvation is not a prayer!  Salvation is not a decision.  Salvation is not an experience. Salvation is a supernatural act of God in response to one's faith in Jesus Christ. Eternal life is freely given (Romans 5:15), freely offered (Romans 10:13), and freely received (Revelation 22:15).
To be saved, you simply stop trying to work your way to Heaven; and you rest in the finished work of Christ.  That's what the Sabbath Day pictured in the Old Testament. Jesus is our Sabbath, in Whom we rest for salvation. The only way to Heaven is to come as a guilty sinner and cast one's self at the feet of Jesus for forgiveness.  Romans 4:5-6, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.”  Did you read that? ... HIS FAITH IS COUNTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!
You don't need to stop living in sin to be saved. Only a hypocrite would teach such a thing. Who can stop sinning? How much sin do you have to give up to be saved? Can anyone give up all their sins... sinful bad habits included? Even Jesus asked in John chapter 8, who is without sin among you?  Salvation is not about us giving up our sins to be saved. Salvation is about us admitting that we are guilty, hell-deserving, sinners and therefore need a Savior to redeem us. Jesus has the nail-scarred hands and feet. Jesus is that Savior.
Then, when we are saved, God will work in our heart to make the necessary changes. A changed life is the FRUIT of genuine repentance; and not a part of the ROOT of saving-faith. Salvation is solely by Christ's righteousness (Romans 10:3-4; 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Matthew 6:33).

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