Thursday, May 5, 2011

Give Your Best!

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for
one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"- Matthew 25:40 (NIV).

When visiting Scotland Queen Mary was strolling with a group of children. Suddenly the sky turned gray and thick, dark clouds appeared. The queen stopped at a nearby house and asked if she might borrow an umbrella. She told the lady of the house, 'I'll send it back to you tomorrow.' The lady was understandably reluctant about lending a good umbrella to a total stranger, but she remembered that she had an old one up in the attic. One rib was broken and there were several ragged holes in it, but she nevertheless, turned it over to this lady at her front door with a weak apology.

"The next day there was another knock at the door. This time, when she opened it, a man in gold braid stood with a big envelope in hand. 'The queen sent me,' he said, 'and asked me to thank you for the umbrella.'" Can you imagine how this woman must have felt knowing she gave the Queen a broken umbrella and didn't give her best.

For those of us who claim to be Christians I wonder how we will feel at the end of life's journey when we stand face to face with Jesus to give account of our stewardship and realize that we didn't give God our best-but only our broken "unwanteds."

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