Sunday, May 8, 2011

Songs in the Night

Job asked, "Where is God my Maker, who gives songs
in the night?" - Job 35:10 (NIV).

I have read how Ludwig von Beethoven, one of the
world's greatest musicians, was born into a musical
family in Germany.

By the age of eleven he was already composing his
own music and conducting an orchestra. In his late
teens he went to Vienna for further study. There he
reached fame, though not fortune.

According to the story, one evening when Beethoven
visited in a cobbler's house, he noticed that the
young lady at the piano was blind, so he offered
to play the piece for her. He did so for her for
more than an hour and while he did, darkness fell
and the lone candle in the room had gone out.

Outside in the night sky the moon shone brightly
and sent its radiant beams glistening into the room
where Beethoven sat playing beautiful music. He was
so inspired by the appreciation of his music by the
young lady and the beauty of the atmosphere in the
room that he composed his famous "Moonlight Sonata."

Do you ever feel that your dreams have been
shattered and you feel all alone in the darkness
of despair? I certainly have. However, when our
life is committed to Christ, it's in these "dark
nights of the soul" that God is working in us to
give us more understanding of life and compassion
for others and, in time, will bring back
"beautiful music" into our life.

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